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Game of Thrones Returns with More Revenge, More Awesome Ladies, and Ed Sheeran

If there's anything we learned from Game of Thrones tonight, it's do not mess with Arya Stark.

We knew this already, of course, but as tonight's premiere opened, she continued her revenge on the Freys with a scene possibly even more epic than when she served Walder pies made of his sons and then slit his throat. She disguised herself as Walder and held a feast for all his men, during which she poisoned them all and reminded them that "the North remembers."

Game of Thrones, Season 7
She then headed off towards King's Landing, and on the way she met Ed Sheeran. That sounds like a nickname we'd give to a random redhead, but it was actually Ed Sheeran, singing a little song with a group of soldiers. They offered Arya some food and wine, and laughed at her as she declared she was on her way to kill the queen, which was probably a big mistake on their part.

Tonight's episode was really all about the ladies and their various states of power. Sansa started fighting back against Jon's naive decisions, and Cersei took to the throne exactly as you'd expect her to. Even Lyanna Mormont got a brilliant moment to shine when she announced her intentions to fight for the North, no matter how small or how much of a girl she may be.

After so many seasons of watching women's plotlines involve rape, torture, murder, or forced marriage, we'd be thrilled to see the final two seasons continue on this new path.
Game of Thrones, Season 7
At Winterfell, Jon and company did some strategizing, but not everybody was seeing eye to eye. Jon didn't want to take homes away from families, even if those families weren't on their side, but Sansa believed they needed those fortresses, and the families living in them had committed treason. Sansa was also sure that they needed to be more concerned about Cersei than the white walkers, but Jon's (probably mistakenly) not interested in whatever she's up to.

Jon declared that whatever he says goes, and Sansa was left yet again with Littlefinger in her ear. She rejected his offers to help, saying that Brienne (who had arrived at Winterfell with Podrick) would protect her.
Game of Thrones season 7

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